Links to Friend's Web Sites: These will open in new windows which you can close after you've viewed them. Didn't want to squeeze them into such a small frame, since they are webs on their own merit. Enjoy !!  

From Georgia:

From McIntosh, Florida:

From Tijuana, Mexico:
Denise's Photos

Denise's Blogspot

Laurel's Vintage Jewels  


  View a list of all Laurel's Theme Pages

and there are a lot of them


My Missionary friends in Mexico who are taking care of those who cannot care for themselves.

From Canada:

From  Modesto, California:

Other stuph


Crab Apple Cottage  Keepsakes Collectibles and Crafts 



















Nick's Place
The Spencer Zone
Morgan's Palette
In Memory of

Aileen's Blogspot

















South High Class of 65 - website for my graduating class (quit day you'll be celebrating 30+ years too!)

If you're thinking about relocating to Arizona and need a good Realtor or just some information about Arizona check out my
Real Estate website:

Or check out my Blog. Yeah it's a work in progress, but check  it out anyhow!


For a complete listing of web sites I've worked on, click HERE









United We Stand

One Nation

One People