A Booger of a Cat for 18 Years

18 years ago, you were born on the front seat of Doug’s red pick up truck, along with five siblings. You were the only one who was multi-colored. The others were grey and white like your mother.  Although you grew into a beautiful cat, you were a pretty pitiful looking new born. You looked akin to a little booger, which is how you got your name. We felt sorry for you and figured no one but us would love you like you deserved to be loved, so although we gave the others away, we kept you , your grey sister, and your mother.  Unfortunately they went to kitty heaven when they were quite young, as kitty years go.
For 18 years we loved you.
For 18 years we had to watch our step each morning, never knowing what “prize” you had left on our doormat. If it was in the early evening that you caught your prize, you would bring it to the doormat and loudly announce that it was there, not wanting to partake of your prize until we had seen it and praised you for your hunting expertise.
For 18 years, there wasn’t a lizard, a gopher, a rabbit, or a rat that was safe on the farm. You were the best!
For 18 years you roamed the farm, spending time in David’s yard when you got bored in our yard.
For 18 years you weren’t afraid of anything, even taking on some coyotes at one point in time. That adventure must have been something to behold. You showed up here with your tail denuded of hair and several other bald spots. We knew what had happened.  Wish we could have seen their results. … they had to look pretty awful and were probably stunned beyond belief that a mere cat got the best of them.
For 18 years, you took full advantage of your 9 lives.
We nursed you through what we thought was the “end” a  few years back, and were delighted that you showed us that you had an awesome spirit and wasn’t ready to give it up yet.  We had no idea that the average age for most cats is about 6-10 years. An outdoor cat's lifespan is usually shorter than that. You showed all of those who keep statistics, didn't you? We are so blessed to have had your company for so many years.

 Yesterday was one of the saddest days of our lives.
A few weeks ago, you suddenly quit eating. Nothing we fixed for you enticed you, and you had quit hunting. We brought you inside where we could keep an eye on you and do whatever we could to make your remaining days comfortable.
All you would drink was water, and then you stopped drinking even that. You had a really bad night on Wednesday, waking every few hours, crying out in pain. I got up and stroked your fur and calmed you down as best I could. In the morning, I found some spots of blood on the carpeting, and we knew that the time had come to help you on your final journey. 
You and I went for a walk on the farm. You seemed to want to do that before your final goodbye. Then you and I napped on the bed for a time. I petted you gently and talked to you about all the great times we had shared over the years. And then too soon, we  knew  helping you on your journey was something that needed to be done in love for you.  The end was quick and we hope painless for you.
We buried you at the base of the tree you loved to climb for so many years. The tree where you and I sat and watched the world go by so many, many days. You were a good listener and purred your heart out as long as I would sit there with you.
Doug and I  both shed tears all afternoon and into the evening’s fading light.
Letting go is never easy.  Letting go of you is one of the hardest things we’ve ever had to do. Go with our love, our
beloved kitty.  You were the best Booger Cat there ever was or ever will be!

I will always "see" you in your favorite spot of all... under the Pomegranate Trees.

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