God's Grace

God's Grace is your sufficiency in all things and there is, at every moment of your life, enough of God's Grace present in your consciousness to meet the need of that particular moment.

And this is all you need because God does not work in the future. God does not operate in the past. The past is gone and the future may never come. In the Kingdom of God there is only this very moment in which you are living and it is in this very moment that God provided you with enough of His Grace to satisfy every need, every requirement to provide every fulfillment of this particular moment.

You lose God the moment you think one minute into the future with anxiety or care or concern. God has not given you next week to live in. God has given you only this moment and it is in this moment that His care, His divine provision is with you.

And now I give this to you as His law. That you are to stop all concern about next year, and abide in the realization of His divine Grace in this moment.

Joel S. Goldsmith

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