Wednesday, December 25, 1996 2:17:00
Dear Dad...
it is Christmas Day....Our first Christmas without you here
physically.....You didn't really hit me that you're really
gone .....until last night..... I've been so busy doing all that needed
done.....Perhaps my way of 'coping' way of dealing with the
loss....just me.....
last night, I was walking outside..... I looked up at the Full
Moon....the first one since 1950 on a Christmas Eve night....and the
last one until 2120 or something like that.....and I lost it.....I
started sobbing like a baby.....realizing that you would never be here
again.....not ever.....and I missed you so much!! The realization set in
......set in real're gone.......
wanted to sit down and write about your last days with us.....but could
not .....until now......and now....I still don't know if I
can......but.......I have to ....need to .....want to......shall.
know we took care of you at home as long as we could....trying so hard
to get you out of keep you from hurting......That was the
hardest part.....watching you hurt like you did.....never never were one to complain.......and not being
able to do anything about it....You fought it so hard.....Fought us so
hard.......You didn't want to take all that medicine.....You didn't like
being out of control.....even though being out of control also meant you
were out of pain......One of us was with you 24 hours a day......making
you take stuff that we thought would help......that we hoped would
help........until the night we had to take you to Hospice
........because we could not control your pain at home any longer.....I
know you didn't want to be there.....I know you wanted to fight this at
home until the very end....and I know you thought you could beat
it.....we all did.....we all thought you could......hoped you
always wonder why I was the one who was there when you were "with
it"....and wanted to talk ......why I was the one who was with you
when you breathed your last.....why it was me.....instead of Mom or
Nancy or Bill. or Judy.....But you know what?
I'm glad it, I mean.....even though I don't know why
it was.....guess it was just in His plan for it to be me.
don't remember much about being in tell you the truth, I
don't either....and that's why I need to do this now...before I forget
altogether....before I lose it all.....
took you there on Wednesday night.....I'd just gotten home here in Casa
Grande, when Nancy called (
it was, after all, her 'shift'.....You called her Simon Legree...and me
Sarge....and Bill , Blue Beard ) and said they were taking you
there.....I turned around and drove back up there, knowing that they'd
need some help. I was so angry at the ambulance service because they
hurt you getting you to Hospice.....they were such dolts......but once
you got there, Hospice made sure you were not in any more pain. They are
so caring and compassionate in that area.......I only wish we'd have
called them sooner.....that you'd not have been in so much pain as long
as you were......
took a long time to get you from the Emergency Room to your Hospice
Room.....long after midnight......Nancy and I decided that Mom needed to
get home and get some she took her home.....and I stayed
with you in your room......listening.....watching you .....knowing that
you were not in pain anymore.....but also not really "with
it".... Everyone but Bill was there on Thursday......Ruthie
came....and Bill Furano and Lena.....and Cenci......and Angela.....and
Danny and Judy and Amy.....Lisa......we were all there with you......and
when it came time for some of us to leave so you could get some
rest......We all lined up to say g'bye.....Bill
Furano was in front of me to say bye to you......I don't know what he
said when he leaned down.....but you said "thanks for coming"
to him ......and then when I leaned down to tell you I was going to go
to Mom's to sleep, you looked at me and said "Who WAS
that?"........I almost died laughing.....and then you
laughed.....and we all ended up laughing......which was good....we all
needed that ......
sat with you most of the day......and then I came back to spend the
night with you........
woke up at 2:00 in the morning.......wanting to know where you
were......what this place you were in was.....we chatted until four in
the morning.... You kept wanting to know where "Junie"
was......I called Nancy at three o'clock to see if Mom was get her down
there while you were so animated.......but she was sound
asleep......she'd taken some of your medicine.....and when I told you
that she said she'd better leave some for YOU!!! You felt
good enough to try and eat some breakfast Friday kept
asking where everyone was......when Billy was going to get
here.....where Mom were so concerned about her.....but always were......You were alert when the Hospice Doctor
came in and said he thought we could get some better pain control if he
could use some radiation on your neck......but he'd need an MRI done
first...... You nodded your head.....and told him "whatever it
takes"........He said he'd make sure you were not in pain while
they were doing it.
made arrangements for our family to use one of their Family
Rooms......right across the balcony from your room....So we could all be
there with you we could just
be your family, and allow someone else to take control of your
pain.......we all knew it really bothered you that we were taking care
of you at home.......but you know Dad.....we wanted to do that for was not a was not a was our
'gift of love' to you......for all the times you'd taken care of
us....when we were were the one who got up in the middle of
the night to hold our head....give us medicine.....try to 'fix'
us......Not because Mom couldn't ....or wouldn't....but because she
couldn't hear us when we got sick......You were always there for
us.....Hospice said it was really hard on someone like you.....that
you'd hold on a long time, even with the pain.....because of worrying
about what was going to happen to us when you were gone.....what we'd do
without you......They told us what to expect....what to do ...... how to
make it easier for you to go.....stuff I really didn't want to
hear.....didn't want to acknowledge....didn't want to admit......because
I didn't want you to leave.....I wanted you to live forever......not in
pain of course......just wanted you you always were......
course we didn't know.....couldn't would be so
soon........too soon.......
had a meeting with the Hospice Social Worker at the
Hospice nurse gave you your lunch......and told us that they'd scheduled
your MRI for 3:00....and that they would be giving you some heavy duty
pain medication so you would not hurt when they took you for your
test.....and that Mom and Nancy could go with you while they were doing
the test.....I went back to Mom's to sleep until Billy got down from kept asking when he was going to get here......almost
like you were waiting for him ......before you went.....
took you for your MRI......and were pretty doped up......we
all thought you'd come out of it later Friday
fact.....when Billy got there around 7:00, you squeezed his hand to let
him know you knew he was there......we thought you were doing
Mom and I went with him to get him something to eat.....when we got
back......we found out you were not doing ok.....that you probably would
not come out of it......that in were in the process of
dying.....of leaving us......of going someplace where you would not be
in pain anymore.......It was then that we called Judy and told her she
needed to come to Hospice.....and needed to plan on staying a few
days.....Friday was a long night.......and a hard one for Mom......She
wanted to hold you comfort you ......just to be near
you......Twice Bill and I lifted your head so she could get her arms
around you......but even with the medicine they'd given hurt
you....I finally went out and told the nurse that Mom had a need to be
close to you......a need to hold you .
The nurses came in ......gave you some more medicine.......bathed
you......changed the sheets on your bed.....positioned you so you would
not hurt.....and helped Mom to get into bed beside you where she could
put her arms around you......and just be with you.......I turned to look
at the nurse to tell her a silent "Thank you"....and she had
big tears in her eyes......and she said what we'd just done was the
sweetest thing that any family had done for their parents.......Then we
all went to the Family Room and left you and Mom
alone.....together.....Throughout the night we kept checking on both of
you......You were doing something they called "chain
stoking"......which we were glad that Mom couldn't really see or
hear.......all she knew was that she had her arms around you......and
she was comforting you as only she could....
was a very long day....... I went in your room around 5:00 in the
morning.....everyone else was sleeping....but Mom had awakened and was
sitting there holding your hand......She started to sing your favorite
hymns.....and I joined in with her......just the three of us there in
the room......and I couldn't help thinking that you were probably
thinking "why can't those two women get on the same
key!!".......but your breathing became more relaxed and
'normal'.......and you seemed to be more at peace while we were
singing.......Later in the day, Raymond came to minister to us........he
prayed in your room with all of us there .....standing around your
bed.........holding hands......and offering up our silent prayers on
your behalf.......
The Hospice nurses explained to us what was happening to you
physically......and as best they could, what was happing to you
spiritually, and emotionally.....they told us that even though you could
not respond because of all the medication.......that you could still
hear us.....and that we should touch you to you ....tell you
what we needed to much we loved you .....and that we would
take care of Mom......and each other.....
during the day someone in the family decided that we were keeping you
from 'going ' by holding on to you.... by touching talking
to you .....that was THEIR decision .....not mine.....not
Hospice's........but when someone told Mom not to touch you anymore....I
lost it......I ran out of there....angry......crying.....and quite
defiant....I guess I am my Father's daughter......How DARE they tell her
she could not touch you...could not talk to you......from my point of
view....either God was in control of when you took your last
breath....or He wasn't....and if we were keeping you from dying....then
He wasn't in control.....I'm not proud of my reaction Dad.....but
then....there's a lot of things I've done that I'm not too proud
any rate.....Mom didn't listen to them......and neither did I......we
just kept holding your hand.....and talking to you .....and doing what
Hospice had advised us to do......keep reassuring you of our love....and
keep telling you that everything would be ok....that we'd be fine......
night we took turns checking on you.....around 4:00 Sunday morning
everyone but me finally fell asleep......and at 5:00 I got up...checked
on you and were breathing quietly.....she was sound
asleep.......I took a a cup of coffee from the
kitchen......and went in and sat with you.....holding your
hand....talking to you........praying.......and then last
words to you....and I know you heard them......was that I loved
you.....that you'd been a good father.....and husband.....that you'd
taken care of all of us for so long......that you'd fought a long, hard
fight with this damnable disease.....and now was time for you to
let God take care of you........knowing that He would also take care of
all of us......that it was time for you to go......( Hospice said that
sometimes someone has to 'give permission' for someone to go before they
would let go.....and go in peace.....guess that was my 'job'......)
breathed two more breaths......and then you were gone.....I knew you
were......but sat there checking my make sure you were not
going to take another breath....knowing you weren't going to.....and at
6:20 a.m. .....I went out and told the Hospice nurse ...."He's
gone"......She came in and checked your had such a
strong heart.....such a big heart.....such a loving heart.....but it had
stopped beating.......
awakened Mom......She caressed you......touched your
face......sobbing......she was in such such
pain......such agony......even knowing that you were out of pain.....but
missing you so much.......
...........Then I
went into the Family Room....woke up Bill........ and told him to wake
everyone up .....that you were gone.....but you know......I could feel
your 'presence' even then.......knowing at that moment, you'd always be
with our hearts.....
was so wonderful.....they told us to take as long as we needed
......that they would call the Doctor....and take care of the was a long, long ride home....filled with
silence......with contemplation.....with sorrow......but
regrets.....we'd done what you'd have wanted us to do.....and we loved
you ...and we know you knew we did.......that we always will.....
days since then have been filled with so much to do....that until last
night, I hadn't had time to grieve your going........Dad, I miss
you......even though I know you're not in pain anymore....even though I
know you're not crying anymore.....even though I know you're in Jesus' feet.......waiting to greet us when it's our time
to join you.......
miss you now.......